


A_G - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
A_T - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
abs(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
AbstractController - Interface in perceptron
acos(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
the inverse cosine of a complex number
acosh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
acot(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
acoth(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
acsc(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
acsch(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
add(char, complex) - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
addCell(float, float) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
addControl(String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller
advance(int) - Method in class image.ImageCache
advance(int) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
advance_location() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell
alpha - Variable in class rendered3D.TreeForm
anti_alias - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
anti_alias_tree - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
antialiased - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
Applet - Class in perceptron
TODO : support an applet incarnation
Applet() - Constructor for class perceptron.Applet
Creates a new instance of Applet
apply_preset(int) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
applyColor(Graphics) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
applyColor(Graphics, int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedLine3D
arg(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
this returns the angle made between the +real axis and the line drawn from the complex number real,imag to the origin
asec(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
asech(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
asin(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
the arcsin of a complex number
asinh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
atan(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
the arctangent of a complex number
atanh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
audio - package audio
One day we will get the audo input and responsiveness working again
audio_line - Variable in class audio.AudioInput
audio_line - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
AudioInput - Class in audio
AudioInput(DoubleBuffer, int) - Constructor for class audio.AudioInput
Creates a new instance of AudioInput
auto_rotate - Variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
Automatic rotation of the constant
Automata - Class in pixelsources
Automata(int) - Constructor for class pixelsources.Automata
AutomataEngine - Interface in pixelsources
autopilot - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
average(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
simple average of two colors
average(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
average two colors based on two given weights


B - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
background_objects - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
basic_graphics - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
beta - Variable in class rendered3D.TreeForm
blur - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
boredomeMS - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
bound() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell
bounding_region - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
buffer - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
buffer - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
buffer - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron


cap_frame_rate - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
cap_frame_rate - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
cellDrawer - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
CellModel - Class in vectorsources
CellModel(int, int) - Constructor for class vectorsources.CellModel
CellModel.Cell - Class in vectorsources
CellModel.Cell(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell
CellModel.CellDrawer - Class in vectorsources
CellModel.CellDrawer(String) - Constructor for class vectorsources.CellModel.CellDrawer
CellModel.Environment - Class in vectorsources
CellModel.Environment() - Constructor for class vectorsources.CellModel.Environment
change_basis_3x3(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This changes the basis of the 3x3 linear transformation T to that represented by the 3x3 matrix B
clip(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
clone2() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
clone2() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
clone2() - Method in interface rendered3D.Point3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Sphere3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.StationaryImage3D
cloneto(Point3D[], ArrayList) - Method in interface rendered3D.Shape3D
colf_num - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
color1 - Variable in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
color1 - Variable in class pixelsources.Hallucination1
color2 - Variable in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
color2 - Variable in class pixelsources.Hallucination1
color_accent - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
colored - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
coloredLife - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
colorer - Variable in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
colormax(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
ColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
A ColorScheme should represent as close as possible a bijection between RGB 8 bit colorspace and float values in [0,1]
ColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme
ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme
ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme
ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme
ColorScheme.HueColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HueColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueColorScheme
ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme
ColorScheme.HVColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HVColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVColorScheme
ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme
ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme - Class in pixelsources
ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme() - Constructor for class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
colorschemes - Static variable in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
ColorUtility - Class in util
Fast approximations of several color-maps
ColorUtility() - Constructor for class util.ColorUtility
complex - Class in math
Implementation of complex numbers
complex(float, float) - Constructor for class math.complex
Initializes a new complex number with real part Real and imagenary part Imag
complex(complex) - Constructor for class math.complex
Initializes a new complex number as complex number n
complex(float) - Constructor for class math.complex
initializes a duoble as a complex number
complex() - Constructor for class math.complex
initializes zero as a complex number
complex(String) - Constructor for class math.complex
attempts to parse a new complex number from a string
ComplexVarList - Class in math
Implementation of a variable set for the complex equation model.
ComplexVarList() - Constructor for class math.ComplexVarList
ComplexVarList(ComplexVarList) - Constructor for class math.ComplexVarList
conj(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
CONSTANT - Static variable in interface math.Evaluation
ConstantEvaluation - Class in math
Represents a constant value in an equation tree.
ConstantEvaluation(float) - Constructor for class math.ConstantEvaluation
Forewards to complex(float) constructor
ConstantEvaluation(complex) - Constructor for class math.ConstantEvaluation
Forewards to complex(complex) constructor
contrast(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Controller - Class in perceptron
Controller(Object, Point) - Constructor for class perceptron.Controller
Controller.RadialControl - Class in perceptron
Controller.RadialControl(double, double, double, int, Method, String) - Constructor for class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
ControlSet - Class in perceptron
CursorSet.java Created on January 18, 2007, 2:55 AM
ControlSet(Perceptron, Preset[]) - Constructor for class perceptron.ControlSet
convexHull() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
Convolution - Class in perceptron
Convolution(float, DoubleBuffer) - Constructor for class perceptron.Convolution
convolve_3x1(int, int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
performs a convolution kernel on the cross neighborhood, indexed starting at the upper left by rows then columns
convolve_3x3(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
performs a convolution kernel on 3x3 neighborhood, indexed starting at the upper left by rows then columns
convolve_cross(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
performs a convolution kernel on the cross neighborhood, indexed starting at the upper left by rows then columns
cos(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
this returns the cosine of a complex number, also complex
cosh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
cosh(float) - Static method in class math.complex
the hyperbolic cos of a float
cot(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This returns the cotangent of a complex number, also complex
coth(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
createclone(ArrayList, Point3D[]) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
crossfadeColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class pixelsources.Automata
csc(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This returns the cosecant of a complex number, also complex
csch(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
current() - Method in class image.ImageCache
cursor_trails - Variable in class perceptron.Preset


d_color - Variable in class rendered3D.TreeForm
d_r - Variable in class rendered3D.TreeForm
D_volume_high() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
D_volume_low() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
dampedValue() - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
DanseParty - Class in vectorsources
DanseParty() - Constructor for class vectorsources.DanseParty
dark_saturate(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Hallucination1
data - Variable in class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata
data - Variable in class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata1
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_1
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_11
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_5
data - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_6
data - Variable in class vectorsources.DanseParty
depth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
depth() - Method in interface rendered3D.Shape3D
devidedBy(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This devides two complex numbers and returns a complex quotient
display - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
display_data - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
display_graphics - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
display_settings(Perceptron) - Static method in class perceptron.Preset
disply - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
DoubleBuffer - Class in image
Re-implementation of basic double-buffered texture.
DoubleBuffer(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Constructor for class image.DoubleBuffer
DoubleBuffer.Grabber - Interface in image
DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext - Class in image
DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Hallucination1
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata1
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_1
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_11
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_5
draw - Variable in class pixelsources.Waves_6
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Cone3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Cylinder3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Form3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.HollowCylinder3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.PointSphere3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedLine3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.SparseCylinder3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Sphere3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.StationaryImage3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.TaperedStem3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ThickLine3D
draw(Graphics, BufferedImage) - Method in interface rendered3D.Shape3D
draw(CellModel.Cell, int) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel.CellDrawer
draw - Variable in class vectorsources.DanseParty
draw_to(Graphics) - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
draw_tree - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
drawAll(Graphics) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
Draw all active controls
drawers - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
drawRandom(Graphics2D, int, int, float) - Method in class vectorsources.GlyphLibrary
dx - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell
dy - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell


e - Static variable in class math.complex
E - Static variable in class math.complex
edge_extend_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
equals(int) - Method in class math.ConstantEvaluation
Node type is 0.
equals(Equation) - Method in class math.Equation
A lazy equals method that compares the toStrings of both equations
equals(int) - Method in interface math.Evaluation
equals(int) - Method in class math.FunctionEvaluation
equals(MathToken) - Method in class math.MathToken
equals(int) - Method in class math.MathToken
equals(int) - Method in class math.OperationEvaluation
equals(int) - Method in class math.VariableEvaluation
Equation - Class in math
Complex equation model
Equation() - Constructor for class math.Equation
initializes an empty equation
Equation(Equation, MathToken, Equation) - Constructor for class math.Equation
cobmines two equations with a perscribed operation
Equation(Equation, MathToken) - Constructor for class math.Equation
combines an equation and a single MathToken
Equation(MathToken) - Constructor for class math.Equation
Equation(Equation) - Constructor for class math.Equation
Cloning Equation constructor
EquationFormatter - Class in math
Text formatter for basic equations
EquationFormatter() - Constructor for class math.EquationFormatter
eToThe(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This takes e to the complex power
evaluate(ComplexVarList) - Method in class math.Equation
Evaluates the equation for the given variables
Evaluation - Interface in math
Abstract operator for complex equation model
execute(complex) - Method in interface math.Operation
Function wrapper for f:C->C complex maps
exit() - Static method in class perceptron.Main
Terminates the program
ExpressionFormatter - Class in math
Text formatter for real-valued expressions
ExpressionFormatter() - Constructor for class math.ExpressionFormatter
extractToken(String) - Static method in class math.MathToken


factorial(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
this computes n! in complex terms..
fade(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
fade the color by the given value (out of 256)
fade_color_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
fancy() - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
fancy(Graphics2D) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
fancy_graphics - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
fancy ( slow ) draw or fast ( ugly ) draw ?
fancy_graphics - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
fancy ( slow ) draw or fast ( ugly ) draw ?
fast_load_sketch(BufferedImage) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
fillStandard() - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
flip() - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
folded - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
folder - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
foobar(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
form - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
Pattern for generating the tree
form - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
Pattern for generating the tree
fractal_map - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
FractalMap - Class in perceptron
FractalMap(DoubleBuffer, Vector<Mapping>, Perceptron) - Constructor for class perceptron.FractalMap
Creates a new instance of FractalMap
frame - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
frame_rate_display - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
FREQUENCY_CUTOFF - Static variable in class audio.AudioInput
fromPolar(float, float) - Static method in class math.complex
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
fromRGB(int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
fullscreen - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
FUNCTION - Static variable in interface math.Evaluation
FunctionEvaluation - Class in math
Represents unary functions on complex numbers
FunctionEvaluation(MathToken, Evaluation) - Constructor for class math.FunctionEvaluation
functions() - Static method in class math.MathToken
Remaining methods are associated with the main block, which tests the functionality of this class *


G - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
get(int, int) - Method in interface image.DoubleBuffer.Grabber
get - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
get(int, int) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
get(int) - Method in class image.ImageCache
get(int) - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
get_alpha() - Method in class rendered3D.TreeForm
get the axial rotation angle
get_beta() - Method in class rendered3D.TreeForm
get the branching angle
get_constant() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Returns a copy of the constant
get_map(complex) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Applies the current mapping to the given parameter
get_size() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Returns a copy of the size of the complex plane area covered
getBicubic - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
getColor() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
getComponentRGBA() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
getEndParenthesis(MathToken[], int) - Static method in class math.MathToken
getEquation() - Method in class math.MathToken
getEvaluationOperation() - Method in class math.Equation
getFixed8Bit - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
getFixed8BitNoReflect - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
getLeft() - Method in class math.Equation
getMasterInterpolatedPoints() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
getMasterRotateablePoints() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
getNames() - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
getNoReflect - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
getNumber() - Method in class math.MathToken
getOperation() - Method in class math.Equation
getOperationTypeId() - Method in class math.MathToken
getPoint() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
getPoints() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
getRGBA() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
getRight() - Method in class math.Equation
getShapes() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
getSource() - Method in interface pixelsources.PixelSource
Returns a BufferedImage
getSource() - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
getTexture() - Method in class pixelsources.Automata
getToken() - Method in class math.MathToken
getUnshadedRGBA() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
getVal(char) - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
getValues() - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
getVar() - Method in class math.MathToken
getVariables() - Method in class math.Equation
returns a string of the chars of all variables contained within this Equation structure
getx() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
getx() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
getx() - Method in interface rendered3D.Point3D
gety() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
gety() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
gety() - Method in interface rendered3D.Point3D
getz() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
getz() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
getz() - Method in interface rendered3D.Point3D
GlyphLibrary - Class in vectorsources
GlyphLibrary(Graphics2D, float) - Constructor for class vectorsources.GlyphLibrary
Creates a new instance of GlyphLibrary
go() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
grabber - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
gradient_direction - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
gradient_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
graph - Variable in class vectorsources.DanseParty
graphics - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
graphics2D - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
grow() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell


H - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
H_ONE - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
half_screen_height - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
half_screen_height() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
half_screen_width - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
half_screen_width() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
Hallucination1 - Class in pixelsources
Hallucination1() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Hallucination1
hide_cursor() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
Hide the mouse pointer, if possible
hilightpoints(int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
HSVtoRGB(float, float) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Converts float HSB to appropriate color model
HSVtoRGB(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Converts int HSB to appropriate color model
HSVtoRGB(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Converts int hue to appropriate color model
HSVtoRGB_color - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
A standard lookuptable for converting HSV to Java.awt.Color
HSVtoRGB_lookup - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
A standard lookuptable for converting HSV to RGB color data
Hue(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
This extracts the HUE of an intRGB color and returns a color with the same HUE but full saturation and value
Hue_color(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
This extracts the HUE of an intRGB color and returns a color with the same HUE but full saturation and value


I - Static variable in class math.complex
imag - Variable in class math.complex
image - package image
Useful image handling routines used by, but conceptually not dependant on, Perceptron.
image - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
image - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
image_directory - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
IMAGE_RENDERER - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
ImageCache - Class in image
ImageCache(String) - Constructor for class image.ImageCache
imagefade - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
imageRotateMS - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
inc_ortho() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
inc_polar() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_accent(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_colorfilter(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_fade_weight(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_fader(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_gradient(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_gradient_shape(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_map(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_noise(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_offscreen(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_renderer(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_sketch(int) - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
increment_visualisation(int) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
increment_visualiser(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
increment_volume(int) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
init() - Method in class perceptron.Applet
initial_color - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
The initial color of the tree
initial_color - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
The initial color of the tree
initialise_cursors() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
Cursor initialisation
initRGB(BufferedImage) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
integer(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
grabs the integer part of the real an imagenary parts
interpolation - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
invert_3x3(float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This inverts a 3x3 matrix
invert_colors - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
IRROTATIONAL_RENDERER - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
is_active() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
returns true if this AudioInput is active
is_active() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Returns weather this FractalMap is active.
is_active() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
Returns weather the tree is active
is_active() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
Returns weather the tree is active
is_analytic() - Method in class math.ConstantEvaluation
True : constand lookip is an analytic function
is_analytic() - Method in class math.Equation
Checks if an equation is analytic
is_analytic() - Method in interface math.Evaluation
is_analytic() - Method in class math.FunctionEvaluation
is_analytic() - Method in interface math.Operation
Indicates weather the function is analytic.
is_analytic() - Method in class math.OperationEvaluation
is_analytic() - Method in class math.VariableEvaluation
Variable references are analytic
is_fancy() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
isAntiAliased() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
isFirst(String, String) - Static method in class math.MathToken
isFunction() - Method in class math.MathToken
isOperator() - Method in class math.MathToken
isValid(Equation) - Static method in class math.IteratedEquationFormatter
isVariable() - Method in class math.MathToken
iterate(int) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
IteratedEquationFormatter - Class in math
IteratedEquationFormatter() - Constructor for class math.IteratedEquationFormatter


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in interface pixelsources.PixelSource
Tells the modules to process a keystroke
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet


life - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
light(float, float) - Method in class vectorsources.Moths
ln(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This takes the natural log of a complex number
load_map(Mapping) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
load_sketch(BufferedImage, int, boolean, Perceptron) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
location - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
The x,y location of the base of the trunk of the tree
location - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
The x,y location of the base of the trunk of the tree
log(float) - Method in class math.complex
This returns a log of given real base of the complex number
log(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This returns the log of given complex base of the complex number
lower_right - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap


main(String[]) - Static method in class audio.AudioInput
main(String[]) - Static method in class math.MathToken
Main - Class in perceptron
Main() - Constructor for class perceptron.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class perceptron.Main
Performs basic sytem level initialization and launches perceptron in a separate thread.
Main - Class in pixelsources
automata.Main should text automata engines
Main() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class pixelsources.Main
mainRenderer - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
makeMap(String) - Static method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Mapping - Interface in perceptron
A generic analytic mapping
mask - Variable in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
masterTokens - Static variable in class math.MathToken
math - package math
Package to parse and evaluate complex formulas TODO : make this library sane
MathToken - Class in math
Parsing token representation
MathToken(char) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
MathToken(int) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
MathToken(float) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
MathToken(MathToken) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
MathToken(MathToken[]) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
MathToken(String) - Constructor for class math.MathToken
Matrix - Class in util
Matrix() - Constructor for class util.Matrix
max - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
max_frame_length - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
max_tree_depth - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
merge(Object3D) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
min_tree_depth - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
minus(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This subtracts two complex numbers and returns a complex difference
mod(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
this returns the complex modulus, the distance between complex number real,imag and the origin
Moths - Class in vectorsources
Moths(float, float) - Constructor for class vectorsources.Moths
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
moveAll(MouseEvent) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
Tells all the cursors to safely update to the same mouseEvent.
moveDR(double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
moveDV(double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
MT - Class in util
MT() - Constructor for class util.MT
multiply(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This operation perfoms no checks on the dimensions of A,B but assumes that they are of the correct dimensions for calculation of the matrix product AB A is M x N matrix B is N x P matrix
multiply(float[][], float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This operation perfoms no checks on the dimensions of A,B but assumes that they are of the correct dimensions for calculation of the matrix product AB.
multiply_3x3_point(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
Matrix multiplication simplified for linear transformation of low percision 3D points of small value
multiply_3x3_point(float[][], float[], float[]) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
Matrix multiplication simplified for linear transformation of low percision 3D points of small value
multiply_3x3_point(float[][], short[]) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
Matrix multiplication simplified for linear transformation of low percision 3D points of small value
multiply_3x3_point(float[][], short[], short[]) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
Matrix multiplication simplified for linear transformation of low percision 3D points of small value
mush(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
mutate_color(byte) - Method in class rendered3D.TreeForm
Safely increment of decrement the color lookup table index, wrapping around from beginning to end if the index goes out of bounds


nearest(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
nextFrame() - Method in interface image.DoubleBuffer.Grabber
noise - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
noise(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
noise(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
noisy - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
normalise(float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This normalises a matrix


Object3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D
Object3D.Circle3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Circle3D(Point3D, double, Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
Object3D.Circle3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
Object3D.ColoredPoint3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.ColoredPoint3D(Point3D, int) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
Object3D.ColoredPoint3D(Point3D, Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
Object3D.ColoredPoint3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
Object3D.Cone3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Cone3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Cone3D
Object3D.Cylinder3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Cylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Cylinder3D
Object3D.Cylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Cylinder3D
Object3D.Cylinder3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Cylinder3D
Object3D.Form3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Form3D(Point3D[], Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Form3D
Object3D.Form3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Form3D
Object3D.Generic3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Generic3D() - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
Object3D.HollowCylinder3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.HollowCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.HollowCylinder3D
Object3D.HollowCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.HollowCylinder3D
Object3D.HollowCylinder3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.HollowCylinder3D
Object3D.Image3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Image3D(Point3D[], BufferedImage) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
Object3D.Image3D(Point3D[], String) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
Object3D.Image3D(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, int[][]) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
Object3D.Image3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D(Point3D[]) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D(Point3D, Point3D) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
Object3D.Line3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Line3D() - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
Object3D.Line3D(Point3D, Point3D) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
Object3D.Line3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
Object3D.Line3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
Object3D.Outline3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Outline3D(Point3D[], Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
Object3D.Outline3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
Object3D.PointSphere3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.PointSphere3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.PointSphere3D
Object3D.RotateablePoint3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.RotateablePoint3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
Object3D.RotateablePoint3D(StringTokenizer) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
Object3D.RotateablePoint3D(Point3D) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
Object3D.RotateableText3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.RotateableText3D(Point3D, int, String) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
Object3D.RotateableText3D(Point3D, Color, String) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
Object3D.RotateableText3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, int[][], double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
Object3D.ShadedLine3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.ShadedLine3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, int) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedLine3D
Object3D.ShadedLine3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedLine3D
Object3D.SparseCylinder3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.SparseCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.SparseCylinder3D
Object3D.SparseCylinder3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.SparseCylinder3D
Object3D.SparseCylinder3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.SparseCylinder3D
Object3D.Sphere3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.Sphere3D(Point3D, double, Color) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Sphere3D
Object3D.Sphere3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.Sphere3D
Object3D.StationaryImage3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.StationaryImage3D(Point3D, Image) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.StationaryImage3D
Object3D.StationaryImage3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.StationaryImage3D
Object3D.TaperedStem3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.TaperedStem3D(Point3D, Point3D, double, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.TaperedStem3D
Object3D.TaperedStem3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.TaperedStem3D
Object3D.TaperedStem3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.TaperedStem3D
Object3D.ThickLine3D - Class in rendered3D
Object3D.ThickLine3D(Point3D, Point3D, Color, double) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ThickLine3D
Object3D.ThickLine3D(StringTokenizer, ArrayList) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Object3D.ThickLine3D
objects_on_top - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
oneOver(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
this takes the recipricol of a complex number
operate(ComplexVarList) - Method in class math.ConstantEvaluation
Returns the constant value stored here
operate(ComplexVarList) - Method in interface math.Evaluation
operate(ComplexVarList) - Method in class math.FunctionEvaluation
operate(ComplexVarList) - Method in class math.OperationEvaluation
operate(ComplexVarList) - Method in class math.VariableEvaluation
De-references variable
operate(int) - Method in class perceptron.Convolution
operate(complex) - Method in interface perceptron.Mapping
Applies and returns some mapping of complex z
OPERATION - Static variable in interface math.Evaluation
Operation - Interface in math
f:C->C type interface
OperationEvaluation - Class in math
OperationEvaluation(MathToken, Evaluation, Evaluation) - Constructor for class math.OperationEvaluation
ortho_type - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
output - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
over(complex) - Method in class math.complex
another name for devidedBy


p - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
paint(Graphics) - Method in interface perceptron.AbstractController
paint(Graphics) - Method in class perceptron.Applet
paint(Graphics) - Method in class perceptron.Controller
paint(Graphics) - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
paint(Graphics) - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
paint(Graphics2D) - Method in class vectorsources.Moths
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class vectorsources.RandomWeeMan
parse(Preset, BufferedReader) - Static method in class perceptron.Parser
parse(BufferedReader) - Static method in class perceptron.Preset
parseColor(StringTokenizer) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
parseComplex(String) - Static method in class math.complex
attempts to parse a complex number from a string
Parser - Class in perceptron
Parser() - Constructor for class perceptron.Parser
perceptron - package perceptron
Contains the core of the program logic : renderers, state, GUI interfaces
Perceptron - Class in perceptron
This is "manager" class of perceptron.
Perceptron(String, String) - Constructor for class perceptron.Perceptron
PHI - Static variable in class math.complex
physical_height - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
physical_height() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
physical_width - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
physical_width() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
pi - Static variable in class math.complex
PI - Static variable in class math.complex
pitch_color() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Computes a color from audio input
PixelSource - Interface in pixelsources
Abstract interface for modules that can deliver pixes to Perceptron.
pixelsources - package pixelsources
Cellular automata engines can be installed here, and accessed from the Perceptron rendering loop.
plus(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This adds two complex numbers and returns a comples sum
point1 - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
point2 - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
Point3D - Interface in rendered3D
polar_type - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
Preset - Class in perceptron
Preset.java handles loading and saving of presets : the closest thing perceptron has to saved files.
Preset() - Constructor for class perceptron.Preset
presetRotateMS - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
print(float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
prints a matrix


R - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
R250_521 - Class in util
R250_521() - Constructor for class util.R250_521
radial_gradient - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
radix_percision_constant - Static variable in class rendered3D.Object3D
randc() - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D1
randg() - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D1
random() - Method in class util.MT
random() - Method in class util.R250_521
randomize() - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
randomr() - Method in class util.R250_521
randoms() - Method in class util.R250_521
RandomWeeMan - Class in vectorsources
RandomWeeMan(int, int) - Constructor for class vectorsources.RandomWeeMan
real - Variable in class math.complex
recenter(int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
remove(MathToken[], int, int) - Static method in class math.MathToken
removeWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class math.MathToken
render() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Draws the current sound data to the given graphics
render() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
re-render the tree with a new tree form by applying the tree form transformations to this data set, rather than recursing through the tree and recalculating all the branching angles
render() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
re-render the tree with a new tree form by applying the tree form transformations to this data set, rather than recursing through the tree and recalculating all the branching angles
rendered3D - package rendered3D
3D drawing libraries
renderer - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
replace(MathToken[], int, int, MathToken[]) - Static method in class math.MathToken
replace(MathToken[], int, int, MathToken) - Static method in class math.MathToken
resetAll() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
resetCellArray() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
resetCounter() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
resetEnvironment() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
resetGraphics() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
resetImage() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
RGB_contrast(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
RGB_contrast(int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
RGBtoHSV(int, int, int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Converts int R,G,B to 0x00HHSSVV
RGBtoHSV(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
Converts int 0x00RRGGBB to 0x00HHSSVV
RGBtoHSV_lookup - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
A standard lookuptable for converting HSV to RGB color data
root - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
{float[] start, float[] end} points of the root
root - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
{short[] start, short[] end} points of the root
rotate(float) - Method in class math.complex
rotate_hue(int, float) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
rotateImages - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
rotateImages - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
rotatex(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
rotatey(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
rotatez(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
rotation(int, int, int, float) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This returns a standard rotation NxN rotation matrix of the K1 and K2 basis vectors for angle alpha in radians.
ROTATIONAL_RENDERER - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
round(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
rSquared() - Method in class math.complex
This returns the i value squared plus the r value squared, a very common calculation
running - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
rx - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell
ry - Variable in class vectorsources.CellModel.Cell


salvia_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class audio.AudioInput
saturate(int) - Static method in class util.ColorUtility
save() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
scale(float) - Method in class math.complex
This multiplies the complex number by a scalar
scale(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
scale(float[][], float) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This multiplies matrix A by scalar x
scale_point(float[], double) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
scale_point(short[], double) - Static method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
scalex(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
scaley(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
scalez(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
scan() - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
screen_height - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
screen_height() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
screen_width - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
screen_width() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
screensaveTimeoutMS - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron
sec(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This returns the secant of a complex number, also complex
sech(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
seedUniformRandom(int) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
set(int, complex) - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
set(Perceptron) - Method in class perceptron.Preset
set_accent(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_active(boolean) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Turns this AudioInput on or off
set_active(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Toggles active computation of the fractal map on and off
set_active(boolean) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
This sets weather the tree is active or not.
set_active(boolean) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
This sets weather the tree is active or not.
set_alpha(float) - Method in class rendered3D.TreeForm
Set the axial rotation angle
set_beta(float) - Method in class rendered3D.TreeForm
Set the branching angle
set_colorfilter(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_constant(float, float) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Sets the constant value
set_fader(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_fancy(boolean) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
set_fancy_graphics(boolean) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
set_fancy_graphics(boolean) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
set_gradient(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_gradient_param(float, float) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_gradient_shape(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_initial_color(int) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
set_initial_color(int) - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
set_input_color(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Set the input color
set_interpolated(boolean) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
set_interpolation(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_map(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_norm_c(float, float) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
Sets the constant value given an x and y location on the screen
set_normalized_rotation(float, float) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
sets rotation parameter of map
set_objects_on_top(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
set_offscreen(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_renderer(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
set_sketch(int) - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
set_visualisation(int) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
set_visualiser(int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
setAlphaCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setAntiAliased(boolean) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
setArea(float) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
setAudio(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setBranchingCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setBranchLengthCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setColor(Color) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
setColor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
setColor(Color) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedCylinder3D
setColor(Color) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ShadedLine3D
setColorScheme(ColorScheme) - Method in class pixelsources.Automata
setComplex(float, float) - Method in class math.complex
this will reset both parts of the complex number at once
setContrastCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setContrastParameters(int, int) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
setDataWeight(float) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Sets the incoming data weights
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Circle3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.ColoredPoint3D
setDepth(int) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Generic3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Image3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Line3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.Outline3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateableText3D
setDepth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.StationaryImage3D
setDepth(int) - Method in interface rendered3D.Shape3D
setDepth() - Method in interface rendered3D.Shape3D
setEvaluationOperation(MathToken) - Method in class math.Equation
Sets the MathToken of this Equation
setFancy(boolean) - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
setFractal(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setGradientCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setGrowth(float) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
setLeft(Equation) - Method in class math.Equation
Sets the left subEquation of this Equation
setLife(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setMapCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setMapping(String) - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
setMapRotationCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setOperator(AutomataEngine) - Method in class pixelsources.Automata
setRate(float) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
setRenderer(int) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
setRight(Equation) - Method in class math.Equation
Sets the right subEquation of this Equation
setSigma(float) - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
settings(Perceptron) - Static method in class perceptron.Preset
setTree(boolean) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setTreeLocationCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setTreeOrientationCursor(double, double) - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
setVal(char, complex) - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
setVolume(float) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Sets the volume
setx(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
sety(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
setz(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
Shape3D - Interface in rendered3D
shiftx(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
shifty(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
shiftz(double) - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
show_cursors - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
show_frame_rate - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
show_state() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
sign(float) - Static method in class math.complex
sign(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
sign2(float) - Static method in class math.complex
SimpleAutomata - Class in pixelsources
SimpleAutomata() - Constructor for class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata
SimpleAutomata1 - Class in pixelsources
SimpleAutomata1() - Constructor for class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata1
simulate_tone(int) - Method in class audio.AudioInput
sin(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This returns sine of a complex number, also complex
sinh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
sinh(float) - Static method in class math.complex
the hyperbolic sin of a float
size() - Method in class math.ComplexVarList
size - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
The upper left, lower right, and size of the rectangle in the complex plane
size - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
sketch - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer
sketch - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
smooth() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D
sound_color() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Computes a color from audio input
sqrt(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This finds the first square root of the complex number
squared() - Method in class math.complex
This squares a complex number (faster than this.toThe(2))
standard() - Static method in class math.ComplexVarList
start() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
Starts the capture thread
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Automata
step(float[][], BufferedImage, ColorScheme) - Method in interface pixelsources.AutomataEngine
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Hallucination1
step() - Method in interface pixelsources.PixelSource
Informs the module to advance frames
step() - Method in class pixelsources.SimpleAutomata1
step() - Method in class pixelsources.TriLife
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Waves
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Waves_1
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Waves_11
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Waves_5
step() - Method in class pixelsources.Waves_6
step() - Method in class vectorsources.DanseParty
step(float) - Method in class vectorsources.Moths
stepActive(double) - Method in interface perceptron.AbstractController
stepActive(double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller
stepControl(int) - Method in interface perceptron.AbstractController
stepControl(int) - Method in class perceptron.Controller
stepFrame(double) - Method in interface perceptron.AbstractController
stepFrame(double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller
stepValue(double) - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
stop() - Method in class audio.AudioInput
stops listening
stringToValue(String) - Method in class math.EquationFormatter
stringToValue(String) - Method in class math.ExpressionFormatter
stringToValue(String) - Method in class math.IteratedEquationFormatter
SUBSAMPLE - Static variable in class audio.AudioInput
substitute(char, complex) - Method in class math.Equation
Performs variable substitution ..
substring(MathToken[], int, int) - Static method in class math.MathToken


T - Variable in class rendered3D.TreeForm
T - Static variable in class util.ColorUtility
tan(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
This returns the tangent of a complex number, also complex
tanh(complex) - Static method in class math.complex
tanh(float) - Static method in class math.complex
the hyperbolic tan of a float
text_entry - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
times(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This multiplies two complex numbers and returns a complex product
timesI() - Method in class math.complex
This multiplis the complex number by +i
toEquation(String) - Static method in class math.MathToken
Calls the methods that convert a String into an Equation
toggle_cap_frame_rate() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
toggle_color_inversion() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
toggle_convolution() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
Toggles convolution operator
toggle_fancy() - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
toggle_fancy() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
toggle_fancy_graphics() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D
toggle_fancy_graphics() - Method in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
toggle_frame_rate_display() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
toggle_gradient_switch() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
toggle_interpolation() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
toggle_noise() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
toggle_objects_on_top() - Method in class perceptron.Perceptron
toggle_screensaver_mode() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
toggleReflect() - Method in class image.DoubleBuffer
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.GreyscaleColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HSVRotatingColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HueRotatingColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.HVRotatingColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.MaskingColorScheme
toRGB(int, int, int) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme
toRGB(float) - Method in class pixelsources.ColorScheme.TwoToneColorScheme
toString() - Method in class math.complex
creates a string representation of the complex number
toString() - Method in class math.Equation
This overrides toString in Object and converts an Equation into a fairly readable String
toString() - Method in class math.FunctionEvaluation
toString() - Method in class math.MathToken
toString() - Method in class math.OperationEvaluation
toString() - Method in class math.VariableEvaluation
tostring override
toString() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
toString() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
toString() - Method in interface rendered3D.Point3D
toString() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel.CellDrawer
toStringHelper() - Method in class math.Equation
assists toString, calling itself recursivly on all subEquatons
toThe(complex) - Method in class math.complex
This takes one complex number to a complex power and returns a complex
toThe(float) - Method in class math.complex
This takes the complex base to the given real power (a+bi)^#
trailer - Static variable in class vectorsources.CellModel
trailer() - Static method in class vectorsources.CellModel
translate(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This adds the elements of B to those of A element-wise, A is modified.
translate_3x3(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class util.Matrix
This adds the elements of B to those of A element-wise, A is modified.
Tree3D - Class in rendered3D
Tree3D(int, int, float[][], int, TreeForm[], Point, DoubleBuffer) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Tree3D
Creates a new instance of FastTree
Tree3D1 - Class in rendered3D
Tree3D1(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Tree3D1
Tree3D1() - Constructor for class rendered3D.Tree3D1
Tree3D11 - Class in rendered3D
Tree3D11(int, int, short[][], int, TreeForm[], Point, DoubleBuffer) - Constructor for class rendered3D.Tree3D11
Creates a new instance of FastTree
TreeForm - Class in rendered3D
TreeForm(float, float, float, int) - Constructor for class rendered3D.TreeForm
TriLife - Class in pixelsources
TriLife() - Constructor for class pixelsources.TriLife
two_pi - Static variable in class math.complex


update() - Method in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
update_color() - Method in class perceptron.FractalMap
update the default color
updateEnvironment() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
updateImage() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
updatePopulation() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
updateRegions() - Method in class vectorsources.CellModel
upper_left - Static variable in class perceptron.FractalMap
util - package util
Utility libraries


value() - Method in class perceptron.Controller.RadialControl
valueToString(Object) - Method in class math.EquationFormatter
valueToString(Object) - Method in class math.ExpressionFormatter
valueToString(Object) - Method in class math.IteratedEquationFormatter
VARIABLE - Static variable in interface math.Evaluation
VariableEvaluation - Class in math
VariableEvaluation.java ResFracti Created by Michael Rule on Mon Apr 04 2005.
VariableEvaluation(char) - Constructor for class math.VariableEvaluation
Creates a variable
vectorsources - package vectorsources
Modules that execute 2D drawing commands can be added here.
velocity_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
visualisation_index() - Method in class audio.AudioInput


W - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
W_ONE - Variable in class image.DoubleBuffer.ImageRenderContext
Waves - Class in pixelsources
Waves() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Waves
Waves_1 - Class in pixelsources
Waves_1(Perceptron) - Constructor for class pixelsources.Waves_1
Waves_11 - Class in pixelsources
Waves_11() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Waves_11
Waves_5 - Class in pixelsources
Waves_5() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Waves_5
Waves_6 - Class in pixelsources
Waves_6() - Constructor for class pixelsources.Waves_6
write(Perceptron, File) - Static method in class perceptron.Preset
write_animation - Variable in class perceptron.Perceptron


x - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
x - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
X - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
The Post-rendering transformations applied during drawing, transformations applied like : [Y][X][Z][S], Y should be a Y axis rotation X "" Z "" S should be a scaling transformation
X - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
The Post-rendering transformations applied during drawing, transformations applied like : [Y][X][Z][S], Y should be a Y axis rotation X "" Z "" S should be a scaling transformation
XAlphaCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XAlphaCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XBranchingCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XBranchingCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XBranchLengthCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XBranchLengthCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XCellCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XCellSpeedCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XContrastCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XContrastCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XGradintCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XGradintCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XMapAlphaCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XMapCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XMapCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XMapRotationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XMapRotationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XOR_salvia_mode - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XTreeLocationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XTreeLocationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
XTreeOrientationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
XTreeOrientationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset


y - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
y - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
Y - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D
The Post-rendering transformations applied during drawing, transformations applied like : [Y][X][Z][S], Y should be a Y axis rotation X "" Z "" S should be a scaling transformation
Y - Variable in class rendered3D.Tree3D11
The Post-rendering transformations applied during drawing, transformations applied like : [Y][X][Z][S], Y should be a Y axis rotation X "" Z "" S should be a scaling transformation
YAlphaCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YAlphaCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YBranchingCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YBranchingCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YBranchLengthCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YBranchLengthCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YCellCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YCellSpeedCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YContrastCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YContrastCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YGradintCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YGradintCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YMapAlphaCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YMapCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YMapCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YMapRotationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YMapRotationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YTreeLocationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YTreeLocationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset
YTreeOrientationCursor() - Method in class perceptron.ControlSet
YTreeOrientationCursor - Variable in class perceptron.Preset


z - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.InterpolatedPoint3D
z - Variable in class rendered3D.Object3D.RotateablePoint3D
zeta(complex) - Static method in class math.complex