M. E. Rule

Google Scholar profile
Department website
misc. posters/slides/notes

Github repositories


Self-healing codes

Source code for Rule, Michael E., and Timothy O’Leary. "Self-healing codes: How stable neural populations can track continually reconfiguring neural representations." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119.7 (2022): e2106692119.

Stable task information

Source code for Rule, Michael E., et al. "Stable task information from an unstable neural population." Elife 9 (2020): e51121.


Source code for Rule, Michael E., et al. "Neural field models for latent state inference: Application to large-scale neuronal recordings." PLOS Computational Biology 15.11 (2019): e1007442.

GLM moment closure

Example code for Rule and Sanguinetti 2018, which explores an approach for analyzing autoregressive point-process models (used to capture neuronal spike-train statistics) as state-space models.


A compilation of python functions that I use routinely in computational and statistical neuroscience.


This project builds on the WebGL examples for GPGPU computing to develop in-browser WebGL implementations of Wilson-Cowan style neural field equations. The project website examples can be browsed here.

CGID waves example

Example code and datasets for Phase reorganization leads to transient β-LFP spatial wave patterns in motor cortex during steady-state movement preparation. Related code is also stored in this repository, although it is in a non-maintained non-working state.



USB serial TTY for the Arduino Uno with ILI9341 LCD screen shield.


Optimized graphics drivers for the 9341TFT touch-screen displays on the Arduino Uno, as well as a 3D rendering engine for this platform. (Hackaday post)


Tutorial examples for accelerating 2D rendering in the browser using WebGL.

Video Feedback.

Routines for rendering video-feedback fractals. This includes several incomplete and non-maintained projects. The repository contents can be browsed here


Collection of mandala artwork based on quasicrystals (aperiodic crystals).

LED matrix

Files related to hobby LED matrix display projects.


Source code and design files for AtTiny24 based scrolling marquee (Hackaday post).


Java code examples and outputs for rendering quasicrystal patterns.


Firmware and documentation for flicker-phosphene hallucination goggles.